Programme 2024

Malta Maritime Summit

7th  – 11th October, 2024

The conference will be spread over four and half days and is intended to stimulate various debates with the scope of reaching conclusions and make proposals that would be presented to the various stakeholders for their consideration. Thus the theme “The Voice of the Industry”.



16:00 Registration
17:30 Harbour Cruise
19:30 Opening reception and Malta Maritime Awards Ceremony by invitation


Policy Makers & The Industry

08:00 Registration, Welcome Coffee
08:45 Inauguration of Art Exhibition in aid of Stella Maris
09:00 Opening Remarks followed by keynote speeches:
Hon. Chris Bonett – Minister – Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure & Public Works, Malta

Fotini Ioannidou, Director Waterborne Transport, DG

H.E. Arsenio Dominguez – IMO SG

Dr Emanuele Grimaldi – Chairman – International Chamber of Shipping

Ms Marily Frangista – President – MISA

09:45   Session 1: Are the policy makers in sync with the industry?
Kurt Farrugia – CEO of Transport Malta
Moderator: Prof George Theocharidis – WMU

Hon. Chris Bonett – Minister – Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure & Public Works, Malta

Hon. Edoardo Rixi – Deputy Minister – Ministry of Infrastructure & Transport, Italy

Hon. Christos Stylianides – Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy, Greece

Dr Emanuele Grimaldi – Chairman – International Chamber of Shipping

John Lyras – Board Member of MISA, UGS, ICS

Sotiris Raptis – ECSA

Hon. Lídia Bulcão – Secretary of State for the Sea

10:45   Session 2: Geopolitics & the disruption of the world seaborn trade
Moderator: Nigel Lowry – Lloyds List Intelligence

Gian Enzo Duci – ESA

Leendart Bal – EMSA

Capt. Thomas Scalabre – Commander of MICA CENTER

Stuart Neil – Director of Strategy and Communications, ICS



12:00   Session 3: European Union – Path ahead from a Europe of crisis to a Europe of solutions.

Angelo Scorza – Ship2Shore


Alberto Rossi – Assermatiori

Capt. Thomas Scalabre – Commander of MICA CENTER

12:45   Session 4: The role of ESG in Shipping

Gina Panayiotou – Founder and CEO, Oceans Arena l Chair and Founder, World ESG Forum

13:00   Session 5: A future vision for Ports

Presentation by Alessandro Panaro followed by discussion


Alessandro Panaro – Head of the Research Area of SRM


Cpt David Bugeja – Chief Officer, Maritime Affairs Transport Malta

Gerardo Landaluce Calleja – Algeciras Port President

Anaelle Boudry – ESPO Senior Advisor

Pino Musolino – Medports

David Magro – CEO – Malta Freeport

Capt. Terence Farrugia – Malta Maritime Pilots

14:00 LUNCH



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Navigating Maritime Transition – Innovations & Strategies for Sustainable Shipping

09:00 Opening Remarks
09:15 Session 1: Navigating Climate Governance and the Maritime Energy Transition: A public & private perspective.    
Moderator: Profs.Gian Enzo Duci – University of Genoa
Panellists: John Lyras – Board Member of MISA, UGS, ICS

Antonis Trakakis – Technical Director, RINA

Aakash Dua – Regional Business Development Director, DNV

Mats Nyfors – General Manager, Decarbonization and Co-creation, Wärtsilä

Stuart Neil – Director of Strategy and Communications, ICS

Andreas Chrysostomou – CSO – Tototheo Global & Executive Director Clean Shipping Alliance

10:15 Session 2: Presentation by Karmenu Vella – Former EU Commissioner
10:30 Session 3: Environment & Oceans: Protection
  Carlo Micallef – CEO, Malta Tourism Authority
Moderator: Dr Anastasia Kiritsi – Professor, Arden University
Panellists: Prof. Adriana Vella – Chair of the University of Malta Maritime Platform.

Ivan Sammut – REMPEC

Lisa Simone de Grunt – World Ocean Council

Maria Schembri – Advisor, Malta Enterprise

11:15 Session 4: Message from Eero Lehtovaara, Chairman Waterborne Technology Platform V.Z.W.
12:00 Speech by Hon Minister Miriam Dalli – Minister for Environment, Energy and Regeneration of the Grand Harbour.
12:15 Session 5: Digital Transformation: Digitalisation, Automation, the transformative power of AI
Moderator:  Andreas Chrysostomou – CSO – Tototheo Global & Executive Director Clean Shipping Alliance
Panellists: Dr. Shiv K. Tripathi, Dean of the Faculty, Berlin School of Business and Innovation (Vice Chancellor, Atmiya University, India)

Dr Josianne Cutajar – Lawyer and Former MEP

13:00 Session 6: Prioritising the Human Element
Moderator: Dr. Shiv K. Tripathi, Dean of the Faculty, Berlin School of Business and Innovation (Vice Chancellor, Atmiya University, India).
Panellists: Xanthos Kyriakou – Managing Director – Columbia Shipmanagement

Capt. Alexia Fenech – Technical Coordinator, Malta Motorways of the Sea

13:30 Session 7: New built vessels vs Extending a vessel’s life 
Debate:  Uday Yellapurkar – Director/Chairman – Elegant Exit Company (EEC)

Profs Andreas G. Merikas – Dirctor, GMS

13:45   LUNCH 
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Legal & Financial Challenges – Sanctions, Criminalisation of seafarers, Maritime courts & arbitration centres.

Financial challenges of shipping’s transition to a more sustainable future

09:00 Opening Remarks followed by Keynote Speech by Hon. Ian Borg – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade
09:10 Speech by Dr Matthew Attard – President – MMLA
09:15 Session 1: Beijing Convention on the Judicial Sale of Ships – Presentation by Dr.Ann Fenech (CMIPresident)
09:30 Session 2: The Golden Era of Ship Finance
Moderator: Jim Lawrence – Chairman, Marine Money
Panellists: Christos Sigalas – Associate Professor at Deree-The American College of Greece

Fabrizio Vettosi – General Director of VSL Club

Matthew Xerri – Ganado Advocates

Marco Fiori – CEO of the Premuda Group

Enrico Molisani – Managing Partner, Wegal

10:15 Session 3: War Risk Insurance: Recent Developments
Debate: Profs Andreas G. Merikas – Dirctor, GMS

George Margaritopoulos – Associate Director – Richards Hogg Lindley

11:00 Session 4: Sanctions: A case study – An American perspective
Presentation: George Chalos – Principal and Founding Member of Chalos and Co, P.C.
12:00 Session 5: Sanctions – The Legal Implications
Presentation: Neville Aquilina – Sanctions Monitoring Board, Malta.
Moderator: Dr Mariella Grech – Secretary of the Sanctions Monitoring Board, Malta.
Panellists: Mr. Neville Aquilina – Chair, Sanctions Monitoring Board, Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade, Malta

Capt. Fritz Farrugia – Chief Officer and Harbour Master, Ports & Yachting Directorate

Dr Alessia Carbone – the Director for Transnational Threats and Sanctions at the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade

Dr Geraldine A. Spiteri Lucas – CEO, Malta Business Registry

12:45 Session 6: Criminalisation of Seafarer, UNCLOS, Crew Safety & the Red Sea – The legal implications
Moderator: Elda Kazara-Belja – Senior Lecturer / Head of Administration, IMO International Maritime Law Institute
Panellists: Paris Andrianopoulos – Managing Director, THALPIS CRS S.A.

George Chalos – Principal and Founding Member of Chalos and Co, P.C.

13:30 LUNCH




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09:00  Opening Remarks and keynote speeches by:
  Hon. Clayton Bartolo – Minister for Tourism and Public Cleanliness

Dr Gavin Gulia – Chairman – Malta Tourism Authority

09:30 Session 1: Sea Tourism – Cruise Liners Overtourism Impact / Luxury Cruising
Presentation: Theodoros Kontes – Director – Majestic International Cruises
10:00 Session 2: Sea Tourism – Finding a Balance
Panellists: Theodoros Kontes – DIRECTOR, Majestic International Cruises

Stephen Xuereb – COO, Global Ports Holding

Kevin Fsadni – Director, Malta Tourism Authority

10:45 Session 3: Raising Marina Standards – International Marina Hubs
Moderator: Nicholas Valenzia – Partner at Mamo TCV Advocates.
Panellists:  Niki Travers Tauss – CEO of Valletta Superyachts

Mathieu E. Salomon – Technical Director – Camper and Nicholsons Marinas

Michael Mifsud – CEO, Yachting Malta

12:00 Session 4: Yacht Management – Challenges and Opportunities
Moderator: Gian Enzo Duci – Mediterranean Ship Management
Panellists:  Paul Cardona – Director and Managing Surveyor/Consultant at MICS Ltd – Malta

Kurt Gutteridge – Director of NAS

12:45 Session 5: Yachting – Opportunities beyond registration
Moderator:  Michael Mifsud – CEO, Yachting Malta
Panellists: Nicholas Valenzia – Partner at Mamo TCV Advocates.

 Christophe Bourillon – CEO of the Professional Yachting Association (PYA)

Kurt Gutteridge – Director of NAS

13:30 LUNCH
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